An estimated 26% of Americans ages 18 and older [about 1 in 4 adults] suffers from a diagnosable mental disorder each year.
The mission of Family Service is to deliver mental health services that improve the life, health, and well-being of individuals and families in the El Paso community. As a committed mental health service agency in El Paso, we are uniquely suited to serving local clients from nearly every demographic.
Over 75% of our clients are low income (by HUD Section 8 guidelines) and 87% of our clients are Hispanic. To serve this population, we constantly strive to ensure our services are affordable, accessible, and culturally competent.
Our main objective is to create access to mental health services for anyone regardless of ability to pay. No one is ever turned away.
Our Service Fees are set on a sliding fee scale. Most insurances are accepted. If you cannot afford your accessed fee, you can request that your fee be adjusted. These adjustments are determined on the client’s financial possibilities.
Our team of hardworking professionals diligently provide services for up to 107 clients daily.
We are committed to consistently working to improve access to mental health services to our community by pursuing capacity building to expand access to high-quality counseling services. This effort benefits underserved individuals and families and hopefully we manage to provide the treatment that they need to recover, thrive, and enhance their overall wellness.
We work hard to strengthen strategic partnerships by collaborating with local organizations that deliver complementary services, such as health care.
Developing the next generation of mental health professionals and increasing the number of providers in the El Paso border community is one of our priorities.
Family Service of El Paso is a non-profit organization [501(c3)] that sustains its financial stability through the stewardship of its few income sources such as: Donations, the adjusted fees to our clients, and insurance claims from a fraction of our insured clients. We endure our economic steadiness primarily from the support of our community.
Anyone in need of our services can reach out by accessing our website at www.familyserviceofelpaso.org and clicking on ‘Apply Today’ or by calling 915-781-9900
We are here to help, supporting El Paso for over 100 years!
Tangible personal property. Examples may be real estate, oil, gas, or mineral interests.

Planned Gifts
Bequests, appreciated securities, life insurance, retirement plans, and charitable remainder trusts, and more.