What is a corporate giving fund?

A corporate charitable giving fund allows your company to support your favorite charitable causes while handing the administrative and due diligence tasks off to us. 

Corporations can also consider establishing a supporting organization to the Paso del Norte Community Foundation. Corporations that choose this route for their charitable giving benefit from the affiliation with the Foundation but must adhere to the duties of a public charity.

Fund Stories

The Paso del Norte Community Foundation can work with your company to create a unique fund that best represents your corporation's values and community goals.

Hunt Family Foundation

In 2016, the Hunt Family Foundation awarded an incredible $1,000,000 Challenge Grant to the Paso del Norte Community Foundation for the Fundacion Paso del Norte para la Salud y Beinestar in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua - matching $1 for every $2 raised up to $200,000 per year for five years to inspire and grow philanthropy and support life-giving nonprofit organizations in El Paso's sister city across the border.

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Andeavor Foundation

Andeavor is committed to collaborating with community stakeholders to create cleaner and safer communities. In 2018, Andeavor made a $50,000 leadership gift to the Paso del Norte Community Foundation to support the development of the Playa Drain Trail from Riverside High School to Ysleta High School.  The trail will provide recreational opportunities for residents and improve quality of life in the region. The Playa Drain Trail is an 8.3-mile segment of the 60-mile Paso del Norte Trail. 

Western Technical College Fund

Western Technical College (WTC) partnered with the Paso del Norte Community Foundation to establish a scholarship fund for training and education. Scholarships are available for current and prospective students who live within the five-county West Texas region, Southern New Mexico, and Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua. The Fund - generously supported by the leadership of WTC - assists students and graduates of colleges accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC). 

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Benefits of a Corporate Giving Fund

Reputation Builder

Highlight your company values and goals in a way that makes a difference in the community with a corporate giving fund.

Employee Respect

Being a positive force in the community gives employees a sense of being a part of something greater. They're more satisfied and proud to be associated with their company.

Consolidate Your Giving

Easily keep track of your various non-profit donations through one account and report.

Customer Loyalty

Customers love buying from companies that give back. When they shop with a company that has a charity they support, they know they're contributing.

Tax Deductions

Dramatically reduce your tax burden and enjoy watching the benefits of your donations at work at the local level.

Flexibility in Accepting Gifts

Your fund can accept cash, non-cash, planned gifts, real estate and more.

What Gifts Can My Fund Receive?


Your company can donate cash directly into your corporate giving fund via check, direct deposit or credit card through our online giving page.


Tangible personal property can be accepted for your fund. Examples may be vehicles, real estate, oil, gas, or mineral interests.

Planned Gifts

Bequests, appreciated securities, life insurance, retirement plans, charitable remainder trusts, and more.

What can I support with my Corporate Giving fund?

You're free to support the charity(ies) of your choice, or designate your fund for a specific cause your company is passionate about.

Nonprofit organizations - Support any registered 501c3 public charity in good standing in the U.S. or Mexico.

Scholarships - Set up a scholarship fund in your company's name to support higher education for the region's youth.

Existing Foundation Initiatives or Funds - Support one or more of the existing impactful charitable funds in the Paso del Norte Community Foundation. 

Initiatives of the Fundacion Paso del Norte - Support health and well-being in Ciudad Juárez with a gift to our partner Foundation in Ciudad Juárez.

Initiatives of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation - Support the Health Foundation’s mission or any of its initiatives to promote health and prevent disease in the region.

Why Paso del Norte Community Foundation?

The Paso del Norte Community Foundation is committed to helping companies reach their charitable goals. Our individualized service allows us to work with company advisors, discuss complex gifts and structure a fund that aligns with your company's values and community goals. 

High transparency & Accountability

Detailed reports allow you to feel secure that your giving is making the impact you wanted. The PDNCF and its related funds are audited on an annual basis to ensure excellent stewardship of the resources entrusted to its care.

We work with your advisor

Feel confident by having your company's financial advisor present during meetings, and involved at any time you wish.

Experience with Nonprofits

PDNCF's network of nonprofits ensures you can connect with and give to the ones you believe in.

Enhanced Credibility

Working with the PDNCF shows the community you're committed to making a meaningful impact on the local level.

Ready to get Started?

Mica Short

Vice President of Development

Mica Short has experience in the local nonprofit and philanthropic space. She can be a resource to you as you consider making a lasting impact through a charitable giving fund.

[email protected]

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