Fundación AXCEL AC, also known as FUNAX, is an integral part of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, specifically the Technology Hub.
Our primary objective is talent and workforce development in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) skills to increase opportunities in Ciudad Juárez and the border region.
Our activities encompass:
- Consultation and guidance for creators and entrepreneurs.
- Development of 21st-century skills and abilities for young individuals to prevent and reduce school dropout rates.
- Creation of digital tools to fortify social initiatives or programs.
- Prototyping and small-scale production.
- Maintaining and operating both Fablab – Digital Fabrication Laboratory and Mobile Fablab.
Over the past three years, we have directly benefited more than 68,000 young people through our social programs. Additionally, we have conducted 26 workshops at Fab Lab Juárez, reaching around 970 individuals in Ciudad Juárez and El Paso, TX.
- FABLAB – DIGITAL FABRICATION LABORATORY-$250 Donation: With your support, we continue to help guide and nurture the future engineers of our region through STEAM-based learning.
- DONOR SIDEWALK – $1,000 Donation: By doing so, you will be providing a scholarship for a youth to participate in the Fablab Camp program, as well as receive a personalized 12” x 12” granite plaque that will be placed permanently on Technology HUB’s Donors' sidewalk.
Thank you for helping build tomorrow’s innovation leaders.
Tangible personal property. Examples may be real estate, oil, gas, or mineral interests.

Planned Gifts
Bequests, appreciated securities, life insurance, retirement plans, and charitable remainder trusts, and more.