April 26, 2022
Paso del Norte Trail Awarded $1M for New Trail Segment

The Paso del Norte Trail received a $1 million boost in federal funding to design and build a one-mile segment of the larger 68-mile countywide project.
The new segment will connect the Medical Center of Americas area to the El Paso Zoo along the Franklin Canal.
The Paso del Norte Trail is divided into five districts defined by their geographical, historical and cultural attributes, and each has amenities such as trees, benches, picnic tables, shade structures, exercise equipment, bridges, bicycle racks and drinking fountains.
One of the segments is the Playa Drain Trail, a 4-mile paved walking and cycling trail that stretches from Ascarate Park to Riverside Park in the Lower Valley. - El Paso Inc., March 25, 2022
To read more about the addition to the Paso del Norte Trail visit Paso del Norte Trail awarded $1M for new segment | Lifestyle | elpasoinc.com .
To learn more about the Paso del Norte Trail visit https://www.pasodelnortetrail.org/