November 17, 2021
PdNCF Welcomes the Azul Arena Fund to our Community of Philanthropy!

We are proud to welcome the Azul Arena Fund to our community of philanthropy! Azul Arena has been supporting artistic and sociocultural activities in the Ciudad Juárez-El Paso Border region since 2019 through its publication, fundraisers, exhibits, art sales and video productions.
The Azul Arena Magazine is a printed and online publication that was created to support artists in our region. The organization actively scouts and focuses on new and existing artistic talent with a goal to serve as a platform where they can promote their work in a free and creative way. Azul Arena provides the necessary environment to create connections and interactions between different members of the creative community.
To learn more about the Azul Arena Fund and how you can support the arts in our community please visit Azul Arena Fund | Paso Del Norte Community Foundation (