October 14, 2019
Playa Drain Trail Phase 2 Public Meeting

You are cordially invited to a public meeting to obtain information and provide input on the design of the Playa Drain Trail Phase 2 from Riverside High School to Ysleta High School.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Ysleta High School – Early College Building, Room 515
8600 Alameda, El Paso, Texas 79907
Parking and easy access to the building is located off Davis Street.
The Playa Drain Trail is a partnership of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation (Health Foundation), City of El Paso and El Paso Water.
The first phase of the Playa Drain Trail from Ascarate Park to Riverside Park was completed in 2018. The City of El Paso completed the segment from Ysleta High School to Capistrano Park earlier this year.
The Health Foundation is leading the design of the trail from Riverside High School to Ysleta High School with funding support from the Health Foundation and Marathon Foundation. Completion of this segment of the trail will result in a continuous 8.4-mile trail from Ascarate Park to Capistrano Park.
The Playa Drain Trail has several amenities such as seating and shade structures, water fountains, sunscreen stations, bicycle repair stations, exercise stations and artwork to make active living the easy choice for residents in the region and an alternative to driving for near-by residents.
Funding for the construction of the design from Whittier Drive to Elvin Way has been secured by the City of El Paso with construction to begin in 2021.
For more information on the Playa Drain Trail, click here.