May 24, 2022
Thank you for attending PdNCF's second annual Nonprofit Conference: Reimagine!

Thank you to our sponsors, speakers, presenters, moderators, panelists, and attendees for supporting the second annual Nonprofit Conference: Reimagine!
Nearly 280 attendees from over 75 organizations in the Paso del Norte region gathered together at the Starlight Event Center in El Paso, Texas on May 3rd and May 4th to think, develop, network, and grow.
The conference kicked off with a Networking Event on the evening of May 3rd, where attendees were able to meet with other nonprofit experts in the region PdNCF and Microsoft announced the inaugural Gator Tank — a social impact competition in a fast-pitch style to help local nonprofit organizations exercise their skills and gain resources needed to support their missions.
On May 4th, attendees enjoyed high-level thought leadership and skill-building focused on the themes of Workforce Challenges in the Borderplex, Nonprofits and the Media, Growing Diversity in Philanthropy, and Leveraging Data, Measuring Impact.
Keynote Speaker and Founder of Exceptional Leaders Lab, Tracy Spears brought innovative thinking, energy, and interactive approaches to help leaders improve their skills, communications, and understanding of how people and organizations succeed. She also provided an understanding of how organizational culture has evolved and shared ways we can better connect and work together with different personalities. Attendees left with a new vocabulary and appreciation of how individuals work effectively as a team, promoting resiliency and togetherness.
“This was my first time attending Reimagine!, and it was a great opportunity to meet other nonprofits and learn about the work they’re doing and potential future collaborations. All the presentations were relevant and informative – my team and I learned we're all different colors,” says Joanna Estrada, The Salvation Army.
Presentations were also given by Rick Froeschle, Senior Labor Market Economist at Texas State Technical College, Arturo Franco, Senior Vice President, Thought Leadership at the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, and Michelle De La Isla, Managing Director at The Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation.
Attendees learned more about the current economic state and how current and future workers can prepare to take advantage of the workplace of tomorrow. Important data mapping tools organizations can use to promote inclusive growth and ways to leverage data to inform decision-making and impact were also discussed.
The conference was also complemented by invigorating Lightning Talk presentations by sought-after nonprofit professionals, philanthropists, corporate leaders, and partners from The Miles Foundation, Helen of Troy, and The Aspen Institute Latinos & Society (AILAS) Program.
“Aliviane leadership is grateful for the opportunity to attend the Reimagine! conference. We had a great time networking and enjoyed the presentations with valuable information that support nonprofits,” Ivonne Tapia, Aliviane Inc.
Thank you once again to our sponsors; Barrada Public Relations, Helen of Troy, Microsoft, Walmart, Household Furniture, Weststar, Rio Vista Behavioral Health, NMSU Arrowhead Center, Marathon Petroleum, Hunt Companies, GECU Foundation, Freeport-McMoRan, Workforce Solutions Borderplex, Kemp Smith, Fox Auto Group, Texas Tech Physicians of El Paso, Unite Us, Cowan Intermodal Group, Hotel Paso del Norte, Gabaldon Art, Operation Outbreak, Kendra Scott, Chuco Relic, and Top Golf.
We appreciate the investment and support from everyone in attendance and look forward to our continued work together moving forward and reimagined!
Make sure to visit our website at or follow us on social media for upcoming events and announcements including Gator Tank and our 7th annual El Paso Giving Day.