September 19, 2019
The Robert E. & Jacqueline Skov Fund for Health

Excellence Exemplified
Robert Skov has roots. Deep and meaningful roots that stretch out like loving arms around family, nourished by a life of service and community involvement. What began as a commitment to his family grew into a philanthropic journey of excellence that has improved health in our region.
Bob was a founding board member of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation neary 25 years ago. He stands by the strong leadership, sound policies, fiscal trustworthiness and proven results the organization has yielded over the years.
When Bob and his wife Jacque decided to put a legacy gift in place, establishing an endowment fund for health in the Paso del Norte Community Foundation was an obvious choice. Their health fund supports the mission of the Paso del Norte Health Foundation to lead, leverage and invest in initiatives, programs and policies that promote health and prevent disease in the Paso del Norte region for generations. Bob is confident that their investment in the community's health couldn't be better managed and executed than by the Paso del Norte Community Foundation and the Paso del Norte Health Foundation.
Contact the Paso del Norte Community Foundation about starting a fund of your own. To donate to the Skov Fund, click here.