May 18, 2020
Volunteers needed for Census new Phone Bank and Text Message initiative

The Paso del Norte Complete Count Committee is gearing up to launch a new Phone Banking and Text Message initiatives to reach hard-to-count (HTC) communities in El Paso County, and promote participation in the 2020 Census.
Here are 3 simple steps to support a complete count today!
Step 1)
Send a call for volunteers out to your organizations to participate in our Phone Banking Program and share the online signup link: We are in need of bilingual volunteers, but do not be discouraged from signing up if you are not bilingual.
Step 2)
Volunteer yourself for the Phone Banking program! As a member of the CCC, you are a trusted voice in the community. Your participation will ensure the Phone Banking program is a success.
Step 3)
Email your contact lists/spreadsheets with cell phone numbers to Micayla [email protected] for our Texting Program
If you have questions about phone banking please reach Gloria at [email protected] and questions about the text message system can be directed to Micayla [email protected] Full details about the program can be read on our Basecamp announcement.
Latinos are among the hardest to count communities in the country, and our growing community needs to participate in the 2020 Census to receive its fair share of resources.
Thank you in advance for your participation in these important programs by the Paso del Norte Complete Count Committee!